Larry D'Addario

Larry D'Addario has been involved with Caltech Astronomy since 2016, first as a visitor from JPL and now as a staff engineer. He is currently Project Engineer for the OVRO-LWA352 project and Engineer-At-Large for the DSA110 project. He contributed to development of the DSA10 prototype and to detailed testing of the current OVRO-LWA. He was Principal Engineer at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory for 13 years, where he worked on various space communication projects for NASA until he retirement in May 2018. Prior to that he was with the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, where he contributed to the designs of large radio telescopes, including VLA, VLBA, GBT, and ALMA. He has a PhD in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University.


Jazmyn Carter


Bekari Gabritchidze